Right Punditry

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

“Since Adam And Eve Were White, Where Did Black People Come From”? He Asked

tower of bI recently read a story in a Christian publication in which a 7 year old (*African American) boy asked a provocative question:  “Since Adam and Eve were white, where did black people come from?”

“Out of the mouths of babe’s….” as the saying goes.

The author asked why the child thought they were white and the boy’s answer was, that was what he always saw in Bible story books.

Being white myself, that was something I never really dwelt upon!  Good call, kid!

But, take heart, there is a reasonable answer and not one which should make anyone feel “inferior” as the author pondered.

color1The answer is: we don’t know exactly color their skin was, although most likely and factually, they were a mid tone.  More importantly, it’s irrelevant.  If we believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, we know that we all came from Adam and Eve.  If we believe it is the inerrant Word, then we must surely believe God knew the history to come.  And we can believe that He placed the varying genetics within each person for all skin tones.

Eve was created from Adam and thus is genes. If their genes had been AABB, the world would be populated with dark skin people. And equally, if they had been aabb, the world would be much lighter skinned people. That tells us they were likely AaBb and who’s children would easily very skin tone, giving the world the lovely variety we now have… and yet, all related.

The tower of Babel (which we know God saw as evil) was the beginning of races, ethnicities.  God “confused” the language of the people and thus, they were divided up according to language.  They then divided themselves up according to what they could ‘understand’ . . . and then He “scattered” them throughout the world. (read Gen. 11)

So we have the human race divided, by God, according to different languages.  As believers, we surely realize that God foresaw this event (He is Omnipotent and All Knowing -Omniscience, if you believe the Bible).  So it is not a stretch to understand that God placed specific genes within his creation — genes which would become predominate after these people grouped together, made homes, lives and started to marry. The ‘hidden’ genetics in these people became predominate and as a result, skin tone and shades emerged, as eye and hair color, etc.  God’s wisdom is breathtaking, isn’t it.

We had the beginnings of races and nations. This was by God’s specific design.

Who is to say what color skin Adam and Eve had?  The Bible doesn’t say — it simply doesn’t matter.  We’re all human from the same source, with the same Creator.  But if I had to guess, I’d guess Adam and Eve looked more like Hebrews, Jews, than they did Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, but that’s just a personal assumption.

I would hate for any child to have this question go unanswered!  There is an answer — which is, as I said:  we don’t know and it doesn’t matter.  We all have the same source and no doubt, hidden genetics that connect us all!  I hope that’s what we teach all of our children (though I know it’s not).  There should be no bigotry or racism coming from white men or black men, brown men and ‘yellow’ men.  We’re all human beings who came from Adam and Eve, created by God.

children2*I have a personal objection to the term “African American”… a person is either African (who can be ‘white’  (Charlize Theron) or American which isn’t a color, but a county.  There should be no objection to the word “negro” as it simply means ‘black’.  But these darker skinned people aren’t particularly ‘black’  — just a darker toned than other people.  So in the end, why does it have to make such a difference?  That in and of itself is: divisive.  All we need to see is a person.

134 comments on ““Since Adam And Eve Were White, Where Did Black People Come From”? He Asked

  1. skay378
    September 20, 2015

    His name was Joshua Ben Joseph, Jesus is Latin for Joshua, Mary was half Greek, during the time of Christ, Palestine had Greeks, Hebrews, Aramaic peoples.They mostly spoke Greek and Aramaic,Joshua learned Hebrew later in life.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anonymous
    October 11, 2015

    You are forgetting about the flood. Which blows you hypothesis out of the water. Noah and his family had every type of gene. Which would make more sense. That God gave the originals a type that all could come from. Your idea also supposes evolution. All your supposed people died in the flood.


    • RightyPunditry
      October 14, 2015

      No one’s forgetting the flood, which ties zero into the topic. ALL people have “type of gene”, whatever that means; all of God’s creation has “genes”; there was no “evolution” – but creaton. ALL people came from Adam and Eve — and therefore, yes, God placed in them, Adam & Eve, all “genes” and necessities for diversity, which He would put into greater effect, after the flood when He divided people according to ‘types’. That is not “evolution”. ALL people (“supposed” or not) did “die” in the flood, since only 8 people survived the flood.Genesis 7:13 I don’t mean to be rude but you don’t seem to know anything about that on which you attempt to comment on. Please don’t bother. Thanks


    • ussgoblin
      November 20, 2015

      Actually because of genetics we know differently. Also the great flood is now known to be regional and is what created the black sea. Back then that was most of the civilized world.


  3. Anonymous
    October 18, 2015

    All I have to say is it all began in Africa, so…..

    Liked by 2 people

    • RightyPunditry
      October 20, 2015

      Which conflicts with the Word of God. I’ll stay with the Source of creation.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ussgoblin
        November 20, 2015

        Actually its hard to place the garden of eden, but it is known the Gihon and Pison were partly in Africa. Rivers have changed course over time so Africa is indeed a possibility.

        Liked by 1 person

      • RightyPunditry
        November 20, 2015

        Wrong again, but don’t let that interfere with your agenda. If you more Biblical information, try:I4 http://www.icr.org/article/where-was-garden-eden-located/

        Iraq, where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers… is not in Africa and never was.


      • RightyPunditry
        November 25, 2015

        No it’s not hard and why it was done long ago


  4. sam adams
    November 8, 2015

    Sooooo Adam and Eve were both already mixed race genetically? The fact they had 2 sons would mean they had to repoduce with their Mum. Incest is proven to cause genetic defects that result in the loss of development not the increase. 2 people could not have populated the world, nor 8..as there needs to be genetic diversity.


    • RightyPunditry
      November 9, 2015

      Adam and Eve liveed hundreds of years with MANY MANY children, no doubt. It was not yet a sin to marry a bother or sister… God didn’t introduce that until later, as I’m sure you know.
      There is no indication sons mated with their Mother.
      It is likely, that God being as ‘smart’ as He is, restrained genetic defects as the earth was being populated and it would not actually take too many ‘generations’ to put a good distance between all of the related people.( 27th son, marrying 27 daughter of his 27th uncle 4x removed) After all, ALL of us are “related” since we’re all related to Adam and Eve.


    • ussgoblin
      November 20, 2015

      No, read the bible very carefully, God created both man and woman on the sixth day, Adam and Eve were actually created later after God’s day of rest. They were the first Chosen humans, but not the first humans. Perhaps you can say they were the first humans with a soul.


      • RightyPunditry
        November 25, 2015

        wow, you couldn’t be more wrong without really working at it. Day of rest — SEVENTH day.


  5. sam adams
    November 11, 2015

    I’m sorry but I am unable to believe that they lived for hundreds of years, just in order to ‘back up’ a ridiculous theory that they had that many children and therefore the population would increase. I didn’t actually say that incest was a sin, my point was scientific in that incest is proven to cause genetic deficiencies. Your massive assumption that God was ‘smart’ and put this on hold for a few hundred years is just another excuse to try and justify what is clearly a fable,
    Let’s be honest, we know the world is 4.543 billion years old through many forms of science. In the deeper layers of the Earth’s crust we find no fossils. Then we find fossils of simple organisms in younger layers. As we go up higher in the rocks, we start finding larger, more complex organisms along with the simple ones. Sometimes we see fossils that look like a step between older fossils and newer ones. As we travel through time (up the layers of rock), we also see some kinds of fossils disappear. These types of plants and animals probably went extinct. The first primates appeared in the fossil record about 70 million years ago. In rocks that are about 3 million years old, the first human-like fossil skeletons were found. They aren’t exactly like ours. They are smaller, and their brains would have been rather small compared to ours. They had large canine teeth. In even younger rocks, there are skulls that are larger and had bigger brains. Some of these lines went extinct. The first skeletons that look like us appear in rocks that are about 200,000 years old. Scientists know we didn’t actually evolve from modern monkeys, but the evidence we have suggests that we have the same ancestor that they do. The evidence comes from looking at the bodies of modern animals. If we look at any primate, we will find exactly the same bones, even in primates that spend all of their time in the trees. We have many other similarities, some you can see on the outside, some are internal, and some are biochemical. We can use a variety of tests to see them. For example, if you compare DNA, you will find that about 98% of our DNA code is just like that of chimpanzees. The other 2% is what makes us different from them.
    You are, however, going to say the earth is 6000 years old, and God planted all this evidence to test us right? That’s called burying your head in the sand I’m afraid. Open your eyes.


    • RightyPunditry
      November 11, 2015

      And I’m sorry you don’t believe in the Bible nor the Word of God. But this is the basic problem of mankind for thousands of years. Disbelief in Truth over their self-anointed belief in man’s words. There is no convincing of those who reject the Truth but I do pray your ‘eyes’ will be opened. Ask God to answer your questions (open your eyes), which will be done, if it’s asked with honestly and not snottery.


  6. ussgoblin
    November 20, 2015

    Adam and Eve were not white, we know this because the adaptation that made people white occurred after agriculture was invented.

    Liked by 1 person

    • RightyPunditry
      November 20, 2015

      Unless you knew them personally, you have no idea what skin tone they were, so I must assume you have no idea. They most likely were middle tone, but not black or dark. Since they are our ancestors of all of us, it’s really irrelevant. The theory you state, “agriculture” is abject foolishness.


      • itsOKgta (@itsOKgta)
        November 23, 2015

        I must first say if there’s a middle there’s a beginning and end. You can’t get to the middle without the beginning. If there was Adam, Eve, Noah & his wife. For there to be such a large variation of skin tones (color) you have to have a lot of melanin. You have to have A LOT of melanin before you can have lack of it. You can’t have a lack of melanin then somehow produce an offspring with more melanin. Middle-tone implies they had melanin. If adam and eve were in fact middle tone as you say. Then logically speaking there were people before them. People more melanin-rich. Just my 2 cents. Now if Adam was dark-skinned black & Eve was middle tone. The story would make a lot more sense.


      • RightyPunditry
        November 24, 2015

        and you totally dismiss what God can and does do, as Creator. You don’t know what God originally created.
        ‘In very dark-skinned people groups, individuals carry AABB genes and only produce dark-skinned offspring. In very light-skinned people groups, individuals carry aabb genes and only produce light-skinned offspring. If a male and female from each group mate and produce a child, the combination of their AABB and aabb genes would give rise to a child who carries the AaBb genes for melanin and would be “middle brown” in skin shade. Now, if two people carrying the AaBb genes got married and reproduced, their children could have a wide rage of skin colors.
        If Adam and Eve were both middle brown (AaBb), they would have produced children with a wide range of tones. Suddenly, all of us being one race doesn’t seem so complicated”


      • itsOKgta (@itsOKgta)
        November 25, 2015

        Thanks for quoting that but you’re missing my point. I don’t think you understand what God has been doing. I also have a few questions for you. You said, “They most likely were middle tone, but not black or dark.” My point is that IF Adam and Eve were most likely to be middle tone they would be BLACK. Ok so if Adam & Eve are both AaBb that would mean they possess the gene for darker skin. How could you possess the gene for darker skin? Adam and Eve wouldn’t be able to possess the gene for darker skin unless they were BLACK! Regardless of skin tone. If they had all the genes to produce offspring of all “colors”. It would mean they were a little bit of everything. Or so it seems. But then there’s this question. Why is it that all these “colors” were created to only go back to black? Notice I said, “back to black”. Considering any person a black person mates with on this planet will produce another black person only means the gene is DOMINANT! Not recessive. & if every race on this planet mated w/ black people the world would be black. Which is what’s slowly happening now. The only way for Adam and Eve to possess the gene for darker skin tone is for them to be BLACK.

        I do know this from basic knowledge. “Black is the presence of all colors”. Not red, not brown, not yellow.

        I do agree we are all children of God.

        My conclusion is…
        Middle tone ONLY implies black if a black offspring is birthed.


      • RightyPunditry
        November 25, 2015

        You assume to know what God originally did/ created. Adam, as well as Eve, could ‘possess’ or be, whatever God created. You don’t know what ‘point zero’ was.. where it began from nor spread from. Yes, they would have to have a “little bit of everything”, so as time progressed, diversity would have been brought in.
        You still disregard what God chose, as well as chooses, to do. God’s design; God’s creation and His predestined diversity, which remain factual.
        You’re primary problem is you appear to reject God and creation as a factor and relevant. Your ‘basic knowledge’ seems to be a hindrance to understanding true knowledge. I also don’t see the ‘whole world’ as being ‘black’, although it is true that ‘white’ people have restrained way too much from propagating, due to the false claim by Liberalism that the world is overpopulated.
        And I also don’t like to continue to dwell in irrelevant conversations with those who reject Truth and just want an argument. I’m sure you agree it’s a waste of time.

        Liked by 1 person

      • itsOKgta (@itsOKgta)
        November 25, 2015

        If I appear to reject God then you obviously don’t know who God is.

        Aren’t you the one who said, “Unless you knew them personally, you have no idea what skin tone they were, so I must assume you have no idea.”

        You clearly have no clue what you’re talking about & that’s why you replied to my 1st post with something you copied and pasted from another site.

        Truth is Genesis explains the creation of caucasians & how they were grafted from the black man.

        Genesis Chapter 5 verse 2. (KJV)

        I don’t expect you to reply.


      • RightyPunditry
        November 25, 2015

        Oh my, as I repeat, I really have no interest in conversations with people who solely want to be argumentative over foolishness…. but, it’s been a slow day.

        I place my facts, trust and knowledge in God, His Son and the Holy Spirit, who teaches. And as I suggested, you were not there at creation & you apparently reject God’s Word and or ascribe to a ‘Liberal’ view, which is your right. Believe however you choose .

        Gen. 5 speaks of creation and genealogy, generations, not color or ‘race’ — getting into “races” (as we currently define it) was hinted at in Gen. 9. There were a great many change after the Flood….. and then came the division from the tower of Babel, but I’m sure you know all about that.
        If you are unaware, here is the basis for which Bible scholars, teachers, pastors have long held to that is taught in Bible:Adam and Eve would have had the same ‘genes’ for melanin. If both had been AABB, they would have produced offspring of the darkest Negroid coloration. If true the entire world would be Negro instead of about 10%. Equally had they been aabb, they would be the lightest Caucasoid. That leads to Adam and Eve being heterozygous, each having two dominant and two recessive genes, AaBb.. and a middle-brown tone and in one generation, able to produce ‘shades’ of skin tone.
        I hope that’s clear enough for you since there is nothing left to say. I even updated the blog in hopes of being clearer.


      • itsOKgta (@itsOKgta)
        November 26, 2015

        I understand the evidence you present and the genetics are true. All i’m saying is… you can’t have a gene to produce a black offspring without being black.

        You even admit they were middle tone. So, if they’re not black… what are they?

        Can you read Hebrew b/c if not you’ve never read the bible.

        My point is Adam was black.

        National Geographic even proves it.

        On youtube if you type in “national geographic forensic scientist adam” it should be the 2nd video.

        You probably won’t look at it but I hope you take the 2 minutes to check it out.


      • RightyPunditry
        November 27, 2015

        And as clearly stated by a theologians, Bible authoritarians with a Doctorate and degrees in Biblical studies, Adam and therefore Eve. were NOT “black” tone. They did carry all genes to produce a variety of tones, but I’ve been over this thoroughly. You can continue to disagree, since you appear to have a definite liberal biased, but facts won’t change. I’m sorry you’re not open to Biblical truth.
        Nat Geo also has a show regarding space aliens settling earth (Ancient Aliens).. their Liberal bias is clear and always has been. Just as is their willful ignorance and embracing of evolution has been evident. Thanks for the trouble, but I don’t need to check it out. I will continue to stick with the Truth and not hyperbole.

        “middle tone” is not black, made clear by the very use of the word ‘middle’. (If they were Mulattos (mid) they would produce children of many different skin tones. They did not have to be very dark (“black”) since GOD CREATED original ‘man’ with many genetic variability to be carried through heredity. This has been proved by the variety of skin tones, etc., etc.) I think you’re trying to say Negroid, which I just pointed out, is a highly and provability, not true. The evidence doesn’t suite your apparent bias of needing them to be “black”. Also the Garden was not in Africa; people did not evolve from monkey’s.
        I will conclude that the topic is closed… but thank you for your interest

        Liked by 1 person

      • itsOKgta (@itsOKgta)
        November 27, 2015

        So you delete my post & edit your post after you were clearly wrong. Wow.

        How many other people on your site have you did this to.

        At the end of the day, if you don’t know Hebrew then you haven’t read the bible.

        Also, as we all know now that Adam was Black as in African b/c you can’t produce a black offspring unless you have black in you. I’m just stating the obvious.

        You’ve probably altered this whole site huh?

        I’ll check back later to see if you deleted this one.


      • itsOKgta (@itsOKgta)
        November 28, 2015

        Just looked up Mulatto & it said this…

        “Mulatto is a term originally used to refer to a person who is born from one black parent and one white parent;”


      • RightyPunditry
        November 28, 2015

        It’s History channel, not Nat G, but there’s not a lot of difference, except one has more animal. Both, as most all in the theatrical arena, lean Left. NG exploited the phony ‘Lucy’ ape woman and is filled with false assumptions and denial of God’s creation. Finding bones and placing ones ideology on the findings, does not fact make.
        No, didn’t look at the video, exactly as I said.
        You could at least bother to read my replies, since I’ve already addressed that more than once. There is no need to keep repeating just to try to prove yourself right. Middle tone does not, need not mean the original 2 people were black, anymore than Lucy is a true representation of human beings. “Middle tone” was the authors description of a non- Negroid, non- Causation aka, genetic gene diverse. Again, if they were both “black” as your theory goes…. the world would have been nothing be black. You just can’t say they were “black” because you think all people with more color than white, make a person “black”. That would be a surprise to Hispanics, Indians, Asians, and Arabs — they would all have to be “black” as well. No one can say someone is originally/ genetically “black” because they have ‘color’ or tone to their skin. For the 3rd time: Eve was created from Adam and thus had identical genes. If their genes had been AABB, the world would be populated with dark skin people. And equally, if they had been aabb, the world would be much lighter skinned people. That tells us they were likely AaBb and who’s children would easily very skin tone in 1 generation.

        Thrilled you found the definition of Mulatto — which again, does not mean they were black but that GOD CREATED THE FIRST TWO PEOPLE WITH DIVERSE ABILITY TO POPULATION WITH … DIVERSITY.
        *Some of your comments went to spam, where I left them. You’ll also been making the same comments, multiple times… probably why it went to Spam.


    • itsOKgta (@itsOKgta)
      November 26, 2015

      I understand the evidence you present and the genetics are true. All i’m saying is… you can’t have a gene to produce a black offspring without being black.

      You even admit they were middle tone. So, if they’re not black… what are they?

      Can you read Hebrew b/c if not you’ve never read the bible.

      My point is Adam was black.

      National Geographic even proves it.

      On youtube if you type in “national geographic forensic scientist adam” it should be the 2nd video.

      You probably won’t look at it but I hope you take the 2 minutes to check it out.

      Liked by 1 person

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Ronald Reagan

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." Ronald Reagan